Our revised program is landlord-friendly.
Allegheny County, located in Western Pennsylvania, has a population of 1.3 million persons living in 130 municipalities within 731 square miles. The Allegheny County Housing Authority administers over 5,000 vouchers.
HCVP (Section 8) OFFICE has two (2) convenient locations.
Paperwork may be dropped off at either address during business hours:
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a rental assistance program. HCV residents rent directly from private landlords and their rental payments are subsidized through the voucher program.
The ACHA provides housing assistance to low-income families in the private rental market through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Participants pay their portion of the rent based on their income, and the Housing Authority pays the balance directly to the property owner. Units must meet HUD Housing Quality Standards (HQS), and the rent must be approvable within HUD Fair Market Rents and market rate comparable. Owners select their own tenants after the ACHA certifies the family’s eligibility for the program. Once a tenant has been selected, the owner will receive and complete a Housing Packet. Once the ACHA receives the completed packet, the Housing Inspector will schedule an inspection.
After the unit passes inspection and the rent has been approved, the owner and the tenant enter into a lease agreement for an initial term of one (1) year. The owner is permitted to require a security deposit; however, the ACHA cannot pay the security deposit for the tenant. The ACHA and the owner enter into a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract, which allows the ACHA to pay rent to the owner on the tenant’s behalf.

8 Simple Steps
Enjoy consistent payments with these simple steps.
It all starts with a willingness to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Once you provide a good place to live that meets housing quality standards, you can market your unit (and we can list for free!). Next, you pre-screen and get to know any prospective tenants. When you’ve found a suitable tenant, you’ll submit the tenants RFTA (request for tenancy approval) and submit proof of paid taxes. Now that your unit has passed inspection, go ahead and sign the HAP contract. Hand your keys over to your tenant, and enjoy consistent payments. It’s as simple as that.


Interested in Becoming a Part of the RETHINK SECTION 8 Program?
Fill out this form to get in touch with us today. We’re excited to add you to the ACHA Family.
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